Answers on a P45 please.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Here's a scary thought ...
Answers on a P45 please.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Great current Google Maps
The Eurovision song contest
Showing every entry plus a video of each.
The F1 season
With links to a Silverstone Grand Prix simulator among others.
Amnesty International map
Executions around the world in 2008
Google Map of poverty crises
"The concept behind WikiMapAid is to map poverty crisis hotspots by using collaborative wiki software to enable humanitarian workers and others to add health, welfare and education information to a Google Map.
"Users of the map can add markers to show the location of places such as schools, hospitals or refugee centres, or markers can be added that report on the current situation in an area. Videos and photos can be attached to markers to help explain the current situation."
Subscribe to the Google Maps Mania blog here
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Will citizen journalists destroy the world?
It’s a question that goes to the heart of No Time to Think: The menace of media speed and the 24-hour news cycle, by Howard Rosenberg and Charles S Feldman (Continuum $24.95) and particularly to what its authors describe in their subtitle as the “menace” of modern media.
In 1962, when surveillance showed nuclear missiles trained on American cities from its near neighbour’s territory, there were no 24-hour rolling-news channels and web sites with voracious appetites for instant news, comment and analysis; no millions of bloggers ready to pass snap judgements on the actions of government; no rapid-reaction political spin teams designed to exploit this media landscape for their own gain.
For a week, President John F Kennedy was able to keep the missiles’ presence secret while a private dialogue with Krushchev defused the crisis. He was not pressured to follow his first, instinctive reaction – an air strike to destroy the missiles.
Ted Sorensen, special counsel and intimate adviser to President John F Kennedy, says in No Time to Think that today’s media pressure would have made it impossible to keep the missiles secret, that there would have been public panic and congressional pressure, and that the first choice of military response would have been followed.
He concludes: “in all likelihood…the result would have been a nuclear war and the destruction of the world.”
So, No Time to Think argues that the internet and 24 hour news channels are a force with the power to destroy the world.
It’s a powerful argument – and one that deserves a considered response. So let’s consider it while we review the rest of No Time To Think’s attack on modern media.
Rosenberg and Feldman believe the standard of modern news reporting is poor, and identify two culprits: speed and citizen journalism.
The need for speed means that news is reported before it is clear what has happened, and before events are understood. Coverage is trivialised: “The public’s right to know has been supplanted by the public’s right to know everything, however fanciful and even erroneous, as fast as technology allows.”
And then there is the citizen journalist. Rosenberg and Feldman see “a modern reformation that preaches a new-media theology, one that elevates amateurs to exalted status with little halos glowing above their golden heads.”
What they leave out in all this is the public’s practised ability to choose what, and how much, news they consume.
In a succinct and illuminating historical analysis of the need for speed in reporting, they chart the golden hour of the fresh-minted CNN as its coverage of the first gulf war. As they point out, audiences fell off dramatically once there was no war to screen.
So it’s clear that, when we have no need for 24 hour news, we choose not to watch it.
Rosenberg and Feldman see the outpourings of citizen journalist bloggers as a “tsunami” of questionable information. But saying there are too many blogs is like saying there are too many books in a library. Readers – of books or blogs – use cataloguing devices to select what they need.
Most bloggers don’t see themselves as professional journalists. Just as, when there was a piano in every parlour, it didn’t follow that there was a concert pianist in every home.
The citizen journalist will get the audience he or she deserves. When, in January, an ordinary passenger on a ferry diverted to rescue passengers in the New York plane crash took a snap on his iPhone, uploaded it to the internet, and saw it reproduced in newspapers around the world it was because of its unique journalistic value.
But what of the one really serious assertion in No Time To Think: that the internet has the power to destroy the world?
Rosenberg and Feldman fail to make the case. They cite no examples of knee-jerk, media-fuelled military reactions that might provide a modern-day contrast to Kennedy’s measured response over
If anything were to have proved a catalyst for such calamitous reaction, surely the attacks of 9-11 would have done so. But they did not. Rather, the response, in the shape of the War on Terror, was formulated over some months.
Making a web newspaper feel a bit more like print

Here's a smart idea from the New York Times. They've invented an article skimmer - which has yet to be given a name - that makes looking at the paper on the web just a little bit closer to browsing through a Sunday paper over brunch.
It offers a very easy way to scan a paper and pick out the bits that you want to read more about.
Monday, 2 March 2009
The reimagining of journalism
But this comment is also there: "Beyond being terrified of my short-term future, I am also cautiously optimistic. Hopefully, I will be allowed to be a part of the reimagining of journalism. It is still pretty fuzzy about what form it will take. Everyone left will need to be an innovator. If we can find a revenue model that works, then I hope a journalism renaissance will take place. Freed of the legacy chains of the past, new opportunities will surely germinate."
I like the sound of that.
How reporters might make a living
Here's a well-founded idea from The Sacramento Bee that envisages reporters operating rather as local picture agencies have for years:
"A network of local community reporters - including some with non-traditional training - could provide coverage of all the region's cities and counties for any number of newspapers, radio stations and TV. The outlets would have to pay a fee for the journalists' service, but much less than it would cost to field their own newsrooms. A journalist who negotiates the right contracts with enough outlets could make a decent living."